
Gate to Seoul

Evergreen and twinkling lights
Crispness in the evening air
The smell of baking from the kitchen —
The holidays are finally here

In a year of desperate struggle
Political theater and viral threat
At last, we’ve reached the season
Reminding us to not forget

That despite our current station
And the burdens on our mind
God’s intention from creation —
Peace on Earth, Goodwill for mankind!

Traditions and Religion


Gate to Seoul

Few people ever learn
That the twelve-days of Christmas
Is the Wild Hunt of pagan Yuletide
Repurposed by early Christian Missionaries.
December twenty-fifth itself-
The Roman Feast of Sol Invictus
During the time of Saturnalia,
The unconquerable sun
Reborn from slothful slumber
At the time of winter’s solstice
Set as holiday by Emperor Aurelian
Again, repurposed by the church.
Our Christmas tree is a Germanic throwback
From the 16th century
To Celtic boughs of evergreen
Themselves a throwback to Egyptian palm rushes-
The greenery a symbol of life eternal
Decorating the home in winter.
The Festival of Lights
Hindu, Jewish and Christian
Falling within weeks of each other
Celebrate and rededicate
Light conquering darkness.
There is a common human need
As shown in myth and ceremony
From ancient culture through a current common use
To remind ourselves in the dead of winter
When everything seems bleakest
That new life is coming.
Traditions and religions have been built on this principle-
Peace on Earth and Goodwill towards Mankind
Despite our baser nature.